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About us

This page is one of the most important pages on your web site. Visitors want to know exactly who they are dealing with.

Here is what you can include in this page:

Who You Are
A short paragraph explaining what type of company you are, what you do, why you do it, where you do it, who you do it for and your business vision /goals.

What You Do
A brief explanation of what your company does. Try to keep it simple, don’t go into to much detail but describe the key benefits of using your service or products.

Company History
If you have a company history you should talk about it. People like to work with established companies as they seem more trustworthy and credible.

The Team
Have a team page or personal profiles for each member of staff. This gives visitors a clear understanding of the person they are dealing with before actually meeting or speaking to that person.

This is a great place to put your client or video testimonials. People follow what others do, so if readers can see that clients rate your service then they’ll be more likely to give your service a try.